Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Shadow Council is made of fail.

Well, those poor bastards that did Vashj on Sunday got booted after try number two--SC went down like a sack of shit. The server itself came back up after a few minutes, but no one could access their character lists. WEAK SAUCE, BLIZZ.

Anyway, I ended up not getting invited--our raid leader stacked the group heavily in ranged for the first few gos. Maybe I'll get to go tonight, but we'll see.

Friday, February 8, 2008


So... we one-shot Al'ar on Wednesday.

5/6 SSC, 3/4 TK. First attempt at Vashj on Sunday.

Ohhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaaah.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A day of win and lose.

Sunday was an interesting evening of raiding. First, we hit Gruul's Lair (I took Tai; still no hunter gear for her... it's a bitch to be an alt). After Gruul's, I logged Dusk for TK. We zoomed in and tore apart the trash mobs and then somehow managed to steamroll High Astromancer Solarian in one go. That was an amazing first kill (no one killed the raid, woo!).

After Solarian was looted, we went back out to the main hall and started attempts on Al'ar. Now, I hadn't done the fight before, so it took me a couple deaths before I figured out what the hell I was doing. I felt like a twat, but there's only so much I can do. Anyway, I did eventually get my roll as a tank down (the hardest part was watching for Al'ar to go to the next platform or to go up to Flame Quill people). We got him pretty close to death--that is, *after* he dies the first time. But I had to go before we were able to get him down all the way.

Well, I guess they found replacements enough because they kept on trying him and actually managed to kill him... except, somehow he bugged and reset to 100%. The going theory is he meteor-ed out of the room toward the add tank and bugged out. Either way, it is the suck, because they worked so hard to kick his ass. :/

Anyway, I would still call it 3/4 in TK. We'll pwn him again today or tomorrow.


Friday, February 1, 2008

Oh hell.

Okay, first of February. Hello, blog.

The guild conglomeration has made a lot of progess in the past two months. We are 5/6 in SSC, which is amazing to even be able to say. We did 5/6 all on Tuesday night, actually. 4.5 hours.

Here's a few newsworthy things in the world of WoW:

First, this makes me happy. Even if it's just a minor victory, it is some sort of victory against gold farmers. Rargh.

Second, Druids are getting a buff to Lacerate in 2.4. "The Feral bears will be seeing an improvement with Lacerate dealing additional damage based on your attack power. (from the class forums)" This is really awesome because a) druids get retarded awesome attack power from their weapons and b) Lacerate is a primary tool in threat-building. (My rotation: Mangle, Lacerate until the 6 sec cooldown on Mangle is up, repeat... it gets the job done.)

The other changes being made for 2.4, like warlocks *finally* being able to summon people into instances, sound like they are further streamlining the game experience. I am glad of it. In that particular instance, the last thing I like to do is wait around for someone to get to the goddamn instance so *then* we can summon them.

/end news tidbits

I feel like a dickhead because I have yet to mention my second 70 in this blog. Taidiriel, or Tai, is a blood elf hunter. I am having a blast playing her. I've been putting her through some Kara runs and so she is getting some epixx (see: Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix!). I've gone Gruul's a few times with her as well, in the hope that I will get the T4 pieces, since the place is pretty much on farm status now. No such luck yet, but we'll see what happens.

Expect to see some screenshots later on, as well as some pictures of the awesome Figure Print I got of Dusk. And it occurs to me I haven't mentioned my acquisition of the WoW Laptop from Dell. Well, there you go. I can has glorious laptop, with which a "golden ticket" for Figure Prints came. Awesome sauce.

Back to work.