Thursday, May 31, 2007


I just respecced Maldiriel, my level 42 Blood Elf Paladin. No big changes--he started off protection, and is still protection, but the first time I specced prot, I did it messily. Now it's a tighter build. See it here.

After he finishes off the prot tree, I'll probably spec the remaining points in retribution. But maybe not. I don't know. It's not like he's leveling real fast anyway--the boyfriend and I only really play our palis together, so one will not get ahead (they're probably within a bubble or two of xp from each other). I've got a while to think about it.

Meanwhile, I've taken to playing a Draenei Warrior on a different server. My boyfriend also has an almost identical character and we're doing the level together thing with them. I do somewhat miss playing Alliance. Levels 10-30 are a piece of piss on that side. Not so much for Horde. Though if you make it through to 30 on Hordeside, you're pretty much golden for the rest of the grind to 70.

Let it just be said--warriors are hella fun for a while, but sometimes the button mashing gets to be annoying (says the person who loves playing rogues). I guess it's almost too repettive--charge, heroic strike, maybe a rend, heroic strike, rinse, repeat. And I know a lot of that is due to the low level of the character (12, I think). But I think that is the reason I end up never having a warrior higher than 19 or 20. I get bored. I am hoping that the Draenei keeps my interest though. Racial healing ability ftw.

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