Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Holy shit, I have a blog.

Uh, hello. It's obviously not September anymore. D:

Many things happened that particular month--the most important of all being that my boyfriend proposed--so, I've been somewhat lax in writing as of late. I'd like to change that, but we'll see if it really happens.

Things I've been doing in WoW (since September, theoretically):
- Calculating my mage's frost DPS versus arcane DPS (which I will post here!)
- Still healing with my druid, still having a blast
- Learning how to heal with my paladin, which is hilarious when coming from the perspective of a HoT-based healer
- Leveled an Alliance character to 80, finally

These things will be discussed in some order. But first, I will post the crap about my mage's DPS. Onward!

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