Friday, June 22, 2007


Okay, so now I'm considering a feral spec. Preferably this one. I think I'm going to do it because my armor for Dire Bear form is at 15,800 and I'm interested to see how much higher it can go! Also because it's hilarious to try and solo stuff like Stratholme with it.

I found the talent in the Balance tree that I lost when I respeced to Restoration--Lunar Guidance, which at 3/3 ranks increases spell damage and healing by 25% of your total intellect. If I ever go back to Boomkin-ing, I'm going to have to do some awesome 34/0/27 shit, so I can still heal ftw.

I think something I realized about the Restoration tree is that it's kind of counter-productive. There are a lot of talents that go toward making Healing Touch better (as well as Tranquility). But! In Tree of Life form, you can't use Healing Touch (or Tranquility).

So, let's say you decide to give up Tree of Life form--you can cheese it a little bit by going with the 23/0/38 spec and still get a shitload of healing done with HoTs. You still have the fun healing spells like Nature's Touch and Swiftmend (lovelovelove). Plus, at the very least, Healing Touch and Tranquility will be accessible anytime.

Hell, I might do *that*, actually.

I am so indecisive!

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